Wednesday, 25 April 2018

White Horses 2

Well here it is. A bigger version of the recent pastel painting. The composition has been changed slightly - the horses were too close to the centre. The colours of the background are rather warm, but it conveys the heat of the Camargue.

This one measures approx 20" by 16" and was painted with Artisan water-soluble oils on a Winsor and Newton canvas covered board. Another one for the exhibition.


Finally finished this one off today at Arun Art Society. It measures approx 10" by 14" and was painted with Artisan water-soluble oil paints on a box canvas.

The reference was a photograph, but the treatment of the water owes much to a demonstration I watched recently by Tony Parsons. This is one for the exhibition I think.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

White Horses

This pastel painting was completed over two sessions at Art Club. Measuring approx 12" by 8", it was painted with hard and soft Conte pastels on Winsor and Newton pastel paper. The reference was a photograph from the internet, allowing use for commercial and non-commercial use.

Jean's immediate reaction was that it was a bit small. Next project will be a larger version in oil.