Friday, 27 February 2015

Snow drops

Back to watercolour at the Skyblue drop-in session yesterday. The inspiration for this was the work of Shirley Trevena, although it was more to do with the colours than the composition.

It measures 12" by 9" approx. and was painted with St Petersburg White Nights paint on Daler Rowney Aquafine 300 gsm paper.

It made "Painting of the Week" and Jean likes it, so it can't be all bad.

Holly Green - SAA Portrait Challenge

The SAA have launched a challenge to paint a portrait of a local BBC News or Weather presenter. This is running in conjunction with the BBC programme "Big Painting Challenge".

Painted with Conte pastel on Sennelier pastel card, it measures approx 11" by 12".

Not my best portrait by a long chalk (no pun intended) but I ran out of time. It has been entrusted to Royal Mail, in the hope it arrives by Monday- the closing date.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Sleepy Head

This was painted on the theme of "Birds of Prey" at art club.

It measures approx 12" by 12" and was painted with Conte hard and soft pastels on Sennelier Pastel card. The reference was an excellent photograph by Aviya Glass on the Paint my Photo site.

Reminds me of Orville - I probably should not have said that!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Carrying baby

This time we were looking at the work of Soraya French. This was painted with a palette knife using Atelier Interactive acrylics on Daler Rowney Aquafine 300 gsm paper. The reference was an excellent photograph from Paint my Photo. It measures approx 12" by 8".