Thursday, 12 June 2014

Adur Art Trail 2014

Some good news at last. "Frost" sold during the Adur Art Trail. This image shows it on display at St James the Less Church in Lancing.

The exhibition is on until Sunday 15 June. Pop along and have a look between 2pm and 4 pm daily. Still time to pick up a bargain.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Rebel Pebbles

This is something a little different. Several artists are painting stones that will placed on Worthing beach to coincide with the Worthing Art Trail. Anyone finding a pebble they like is welcome to take it and keep it.

There will be a website address on the rear. Logging onto the website should enable the finder to identify the artist responsible.

Full details of  the Worthing Art Trail are here. It starts on the weekend of 14/15 June 2014.

The three shown here are my contribution. Who knows how many others there may be?