Friday, 3 December 2010


The topic at Art Club on Tuesday evening was painting Cats and Dogs in oils. This big cat was painted in oils on a 20" by 16" stretched canvas.

Great fun, and Jean likes him!

Natasha_28November 2010

Natasha was the model at the last Life Drawing Sunday morning session of the year. It was very cold, and on the advice of the tutor I was standing at an easel for the whole 3 hours. He was quite right, it did seem to go better like this.

The first three were warm up exercises in the dreaded elastic muslin tube. All are A2 drawn respectively in charcoal, conte and then chalk.

The next was a longer pose of almost an hour. This is again A2 size on brown wrapping paper, in chalk, charcoal and conte.

The final longest session was painted on 20" by 16" stretched canvas in Aletier Interactive acrylics. This is the piece I am most pleased with this term!

Sarah - 25 November 2010

Sarah returned as the model to the last Life Drawing Class of the term. For the 4 warm-up poses she wore an elasticated muslin tube, which made it more like drawing a sculpture somehow.

The final drawing was an hour pose, and we were free to use any of the techniques used during the term. I chose charcoal, with a midtone laid down, and lifted off with the eraser for highlights and drawing in charcoal for the darks. I also chose to crop the model at the head and the feet.

The tutor was rather more impressed with the warm up exercises than the final piece!

Aprhodite and the pumpkin

On Tuesday 23 Nov the topic at Art Club was Copperware and vegetables - a still life. We don't own any copperware (hate cleaning it) so I took a sphleter statue of Aphrodite and an unripe undersized pumpkin. Don't ask what the connection is!

This is painted with St Petersburg White Nights watercolour paint on Bocking ford paper and measures approx 8" by 12". It really didn't go too well and the statue certainly needs a reddish glaze to correct the colouring.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Fisher Folk

These were painted at Art Class as studies for a piece that I want to paint entitled Fisher Folk.

It is difficult to achieve the range of tonal values in monochrome. The blue works better IMHO.

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Suzanne was the model and the theme was drawing in the style of other artists.

The first is charcoal and conte in the style of Dufy, i.e. strong black outline, filled with bright colours.

Next is Schiele, i.e. a spidery line with just a few splashes of colour. This was pen with conte.

Finally this was a longer pose. The aim here was to almost merge the figure into the background, in the manner of Seurat. Conte was used again with some chalk and charcoal.

Betty's Tea Service

This was painted at Art Club last week. It is based on a reference photograph set as the Wet Canvas Watercolour Studio Challenge for November. It is painted with St Petersburg w/c paints on Bockingford paper, measuring approx 12" by 8".

Initially I was quite disappointed with it, but now I think it just needs some more work before it is posted on the website.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


This is a portrait of my grandson, Harry. It is an A3 charcoal sketch, from a reference photograph taken at his playgroup.

There is a likeness, but it is Harry in a year or two rather than now! The right eye is too high and there are a number of other problems. Nevertheless, it is a successful trial of a method that is new to me. The paper was first covered with charcoal dust, which was then rubbed with a cloth to give an even mid-tone. Then the darks areas were blocked in with charcoal. The highlights were then "lifted out" with a putty rubber. Finally the details were worked on with finer charcoal strokes.

The effect is very pleasing, and I intend to try this again at the lifedrawing class on Thursday morning.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Cristella_28 October 2010

Cristella was the model last Thursday. The first two warm up exercises in charcoal and pen, are both on A2 sheets.

Sheet 3 was experimentation with various printing implements and acrylic paints. The implements used included sponges, expanded polystyrene, wood, potato and palette knife.

The final A2 sheet was my attempt at painting Cristella in a pose using no pens, pencils or brushes but only the previously listed tools.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Clouds over Lancing College

The task at Art Club last week was to paint a picture in the style of your favourite artist. This is my attempt to paint Lancing college through the eyes, and the brush strokes of Van Gogh.

It measures approx 12" by 8" and was painted with Atelier Interactive Acrylics on Bockingford paper.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Lesley 21 October 2010

The first is an A2 sheet of warm up exercises. Feedback from the tutor was that there was no sense of volume in the second drawing.

The second was a long pose, drawn with chalk on curtain material. It is approximately A2 size.

The third was another warm up exercise. Again on A2 sheet , this time drawn with pen. This had a better sense of mass according to the tutor.

The fourth is another dreaded 15 times 1 minute poses.

The last is a study in charcoal, approx half of an A2 sheet. It is of the same pose as the chalk on material drawing.

Lions Cubs

This was painted at Art Club on 12 October following the demonstration by Dee Cowell the previous week I have tried to follow her method of underpainting the darks in cobalt blue and then washing over with Raw Sienna and Cadmium Red. In parts it works, and I may well have another go at it, now that I understand the method better.

It measures approx 12" by 8", painted with St Petersburg paints on Hahnemuhle paper.

Moonlit Breaker

This was painted at Art Club on 28 Sep. The topic was a "Rough Painting of Movement" - no fiddling!

It measures approx 15" by 12", painted with Atelier Interactive Acrylics on stretched canvas.

There was some positive feedback, although it is far from finished.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Barn Owl

Jean's friend Margaret bought the cut down version of "Let me out to play". She asked for a painting of an owl to go with it. This is the result, which we intend to give her as part of her 70th birthday present in November.

It is only 3.5" by 5.5" painted with St Petersburg White nights watercolour. The reference was a photograph from WC.

Saturday, 25 September 2010


Back to Life Drawing classes this Thursday. Joe was the only one from last term still there, so we are starting at the beginning again. Judging by these efforts, it's just as well!

The first seems to have turned out best in charcoal. Lots of practice is going to be needed.

Drawings of Members

At Lancing Art Club on Tuesday evening, we drew other members in either charcoal or chalk. These were the two best efforts.

The first is Melita in charcoal, and the second in Mavis in chalk.

PaintersShowcase has just gone live in the US. The URL is .

My gallery can be found at

Let's hope that all the work done in Beta teting pays off!

Friday, 24 September 2010

Church of the holy Trinity Bansko

We had a wonderful time in Bulgaria. The weather was great and the hotel much better than we expected.

This was the only sketch I managed - it is the Holy Trinity church in Bansko. The sticks on the roof are an old stork's nest.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Ted's Boat

This was painted during my last outing with the Wednesday morning group at Shoreham on 01 September 2010. It is unfinished, and to be honest we just ran out of steam. I will miss them all.

Crossing the Arun at Bury

I finally finished this piece just before we went away on holiday, and in time for inclusion with my submission for membership of the Art Around Town group. It measures 17" by 12" and is painted with St Petersburg watercolours. The reference is a black and white photograph dating from around 1902.

It was well received by Wet Canvas, and the committee for AAT must have liked it, as I have been accepted. The first batch of paintings are to be hung in Montagues ( a Tex Mex restaurant in Montague Street) from Friday 24 September 2010

South Stack Anglesey

Once again I have fallen behind with my posting to this blog. This was painted during an evening entitled "Rocks and Tissue Paper" at the Art Club on 31 August 2010. It is acrylic and crepe paper on watercolour paper, and measures 12" by 9".

Before we went away on holiday on 09 September we had the sad news that Rita Cooper had died. She was a lovely lady, who made everyone feel very welcome at the Club. She said goodbye to us all that last evening she visited the Club. I will miss her very much.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Chickens with Attitude

This was painted last night at the Art Club; part of a session entitled birds and chickens. The reference was a photograph from WC. It measures approx 12" by 8" in St Petersburg paints on Bockingford paper.

Sadly nothing of mine sold at the Exhibition last week. The only redeeming feature was that "On the Eggs" was one of three pictures available to the winner of the picture raffle. Rita won and chose "On the Eggs". From someone of her ability, I take that as a compliment.

The trip out with the Wednesday morning group was rained off today. Only one more session next week at Shoreham, before I go on holiday. By the end of the holiday, the others will have started back without me.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Findon Parish Church

The last couple of trips out to Southwater Country Park and Stopham bridge, really did not go well. Today was a little better. This view from the side avoids the large yew tree, encountered when we visited last year.

I have decided not to go back to the watercolour group next September. Despite some very kind words from the tutor and other members of the group, it feels like the right decision. Little personal progess was made last year, and I would like to spend time concentrating on the Art Club and Life Drawing classes, where progess has been much better.

The Lancing Art Club summer exhibition starts this weekend. I am submitting 7 pictures, together with 2 small pictures and 7 portfolios.

High Salvington Mill
Easy Peelers
Flamenco 2
Mother and Baby
Lindy Lou
St Botolphs
Boxgrove Priory (Ron Polwin)

Red Apples
Let me out to play

Negative Forest
Mangerton Shed
Fur and Eyes
Stumps on Lough Leane
Mount Cook
Painting Boats at Shoreham

Monday, 26 July 2010

Lesley - 2

Lesey was the model for the Sunday morning session this week. After 3 warm up sketches I decided to paint in acrylic on canvas, measuring approximately 40 cms by 50 cms. This was not too popular as Lesley held the pose for two 45 minutes sessions and most of the others were drawing, and would have liked a change of pose.

Anyway, I was pleased with the way it turned out. A bit more time would have been needed to capture the face better, but Lesley said she loved the way her hair was painted.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Greatham Bridge

On Wednesday 14 July three of us turned up at Greatham Bridge to paint. The tutor and his wife joined us later.

This bridge was originally built in the early 14th Century, but has been altered many times during its life. There is a particularly ugly steel addition to the right of the view above.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Dome Delight

The Editor of the Sentinel was as good as his word and this article was printed in the paper on 07 July 2010. At least those 40,000 households know who painted the picture this time.


This is the effect of printing the Lesley lino cut in a block of 4. You can begin the see the repeat pattern emerging.

Jean doesn't fancy it on the kitchen wall.


The model for the final session of the term was Sarah.

The first exercise was a complete nightmare. We had to divide an A2 sheet into 15 equal boxes and then we had 1 minute each to draw 15 different poses.

The second was a longer pose, and we could interpret this in anyway we chose. The tutor asked me to concentrate on head, hands and feet. At least the head and the hand worked out OK.

High Salvington Windmill

Last Wednesady 5 of us from Art Class met up at this windmill. It orignally dates from 1750 and has been full restored. Unfortunately, I've made a complete mess of the sails, so this will have to be repainted, if time allows.

Still it was a pleasant morning spent in a very peaceful place.