I have decided that I should use this Blog to record the results of my weekly classes. In the main the results are disappointing, although "View in a Teapot" was painted in class. Perhaps it is because I am experimenting more and thrashing about trying to establish what my own style really is.
This was quite a fun exercise. Everybody brought something in from home and it was placed on a centre table, with very little attempt to set up a still life. You then had the opportunity to paint what you wanted, and after approximately 30 mins the table was rotated through 90 degrees and you were able to add to, or overlap, with new items. It was rotated a total of three times.
This is very much in the tutor's style of painting, and I must admit I quite like the composition.
The assignment for the half term is to produce a finished piece based on this study. Lucky I took the digital camera with me!