Wednesday, 17 October 2007


Back to classes today. The exercise was to create an ink and wash picture, but putting the first wash on before the ink. An interesting twist and it made it fun, but the finished product is not my best. Too much detail on the buildings and not enough on the COF the boats.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Invitation to paint - Mexico

Missed class last week. The invitation to paint for October on Wet Canvas was based on two reference photographs of Mexico. Great fun, but much more difficult than expected. I altered the image to give a view of the surrounding terrain through the arches, in order to add depth.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Paper Weights

No posting for a couple of weeks, as we have started classes again, and as Jean would say "haven't done any proper pictures" yet. After practising our drawing techniques and mixing colours wet on the paper directly last week, we applied that to a still life this week.

It is very loose and not all that representational, nevertheless I am quite pleased with it.Some of the colours are great, and no mud in sight.